Which famous actors / celebs you dislike,would you most want to beat up?
(too old to reply)
2006-12-13 03:55:13 UTC
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
2006-12-13 04:03:02 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.

I can't stand Danny Bonaduce.

His "I'm a former child star so that excuses everything stupid thing
I've ever done or will do" attitude is pathetic.

I don't want to beat him up for the simple sake of doing so, but if I
were in a bar and he started getting physical with me I wouldn't mind
kicking his ass a little.

I wouldn't hurt him, just bruise his ego a little.

It might do him a world of good!

2006-12-13 04:12:34 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
I can't stand Danny Bonaduce.
His "I'm a former child star so that excuses everything stupid thing
I've ever done or will do" attitude is pathetic.
I don't want to beat him up for the simple sake of doing so, but if I
were in a bar and he started getting physical with me I wouldn't mind
kicking his ass a little.
I wouldn't hurt him, just bruise his ego a little.
It might do him a world of good!
Oh, please do... with my blessings! He drives me up the wall too, with
his *wild-child* "my torment is greater and more infinitely fascinating
than yours" schtick. What an irritating little piece of work.
2006-12-13 04:41:13 UTC
Oh yeah, Bonaduce. Is not it him who him who did not show up one
morning at his talk-show?

The one I would slap is Paris Hilton! The one I would like most to have
sex: Beyonce!
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
I can't stand Danny Bonaduce.
His "I'm a former child star so that excuses everything stupid thing
I've ever done or will do" attitude is pathetic.
I don't want to beat him up for the simple sake of doing so, but if I
were in a bar and he started getting physical with me I wouldn't mind
kicking his ass a little.
I wouldn't hurt him, just bruise his ego a little.
It might do him a world of good!
2006-12-13 18:13:05 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Oh yeah, Bonaduce. Is not it him who him who did not show up one
morning at his talk-show?
The one I would slap is Paris Hilton! The one I would like most to have
sex: Beyonce!
The opposite of that would be true for me.
Ajax Telamon
2006-12-16 02:23:26 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Oh yeah, Bonaduce. Is not it him who him who did not show up one
morning at his talk-show?
The one I would slap is Paris Hilton!
But Paris is great about supporting our troops: She's always 'going
commando' <G>. Take care
Ajax Telamon
"All action takes place,
so to speak, in a kind of
twilight, which like a fog
or moonlight, often tends
to make things seem
grotesque and larger
than they really are."
Carl von Clausewitz.
2006-12-13 04:50:13 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
Oh good thread!
Tom Cruise - country ass whuppin with a dianetics book
Martin Lawrence - rear naked choke to shut up his incessant Eddie
Murphy wannabe act
2006-12-19 08:40:15 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
Oh good thread!
Tom Cruise - country ass whuppin with a dianetics book
Martin Lawrence - rear naked choke to shut up his incessant Eddie
Murphy wannabe act

As if we didn't need enough excuses! Is he a freak or not?

Although one probably wouldn't assault such a personage and damage
him, I am reminded in his case of that forgettable Nicholas Cage movie
His character is a weatherman and people tend to throw junk food from
cars at him in the street.
Reasons being that he gets paid outrageous amounts of money for reading
a teleprompter and he has an irritating cute little patter that many
people hate.

People throw junk food in particular because it's kind of
symbolically like the Weatherman and vicariously like Tom Cruse.
It's tasty, non confrontational and although you might take a bite
you really don't care enough about it prevent you throwing it away
half finished.

Junk food is basically what Tom Cruse is to acting, therefore to throw
junk food at Tom Cruse until he learns how to stop irritating people
with his poor acting and weirdo behavior.

I wonder if there's an historical president for throwing junk food a
famous weirdo's?
Gernot Hassenpflug
2006-12-19 09:33:41 UTC
Scary> Junk food is basically what Tom Cruse is to acting,
Scary> therefore to throw junk food at Tom Cruse until he learns
Scary> how to stop irritating people with his poor acting and
Scary> weirdo behavior.


Scary> I wonder if there's an historical president for throwing
Scary> junk food a famous weirdo's?

Hmm, any one up to the current one should do for that (except for
those that were hysterical, that is) ....
G Hassenpflug * Takemusu Aikido Juku Dojo Osaka
2006-12-19 08:46:44 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
Oh good thread!
Tom Cruise - country ass whuppin with a dianetics book
Martin Lawrence - rear naked choke to shut up his incessant Eddie
Murphy wannabe act
As if we didn't need enough excuses! Is he a freak or not?


Although one probably wouldn't assault such a personage and damage
him, I am reminded in his case of that forgettable Nicholas Cage movie
His character is a weatherman and people tend to throw junk food from
cars at him in the street.
Reasons being that he gets paid outrageous amounts of money for reading
a teleprompter and he has an irritating cute little patter that many
people hate.

People throw junk food in particular because it's kind of
symbolically like the Weatherman and vicariously like Tom Cruse.
It's tasty, non confrontational and although you might take a bite
you really don't care enough about it prevent you throwing it away
half finished.

Junk food is basically what Tom Cruse is to acting, therefore to throw
junk food at Tom Cruse until he learns how to stop irritating people
with his poor acting and weirdo behavior.

I wonder if there's an historical president for throwing junk food at
famous weirdo's?
2006-12-13 06:06:53 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
What a stupid fuckin' post....which celeb would you like to beat up? Sheesh!!!

Everyone knows the answer is Gary Coleman ;>)

" Let's roll! "
2006-12-13 07:11:22 UTC
Post by GreendistantNOSPAMstar
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
What a stupid fuckin' post....which celeb would you like to beat up? Sheesh!!!
Everyone knows the answer is Gary Coleman ;>)
" Let's roll! "
Tom Cruise and not because he's a member of a bizarre cult, but
because I genuinely think he's a bad actor! Who has been in a few
quite good films (not great but okay films), he seems to incidental to
the roles he plays, he doesn't ruin the film nor does he add anything
to them.
He's like a neutral void type actor!
A store dummy has a more interesting personally.

2006-12-13 07:13:30 UTC
Post by GreendistantNOSPAMstar
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
What a stupid fuckin' post....which celeb would you like to beat up? Sheesh!!!
Everyone knows the answer is Gary Coleman ;>)
" Let's roll! "
Tom Cruise and not because he's a member of a bizarre cult, but
because I genuinely think he's a bad actor!
Who has been in a few quite good films (not great but okay films), he
seems to incidental to the roles he plays, he doesn't ruin the film
nor does he add anything to them.
He's like a neutral void type actor!

A store dummy has a more interesting personality.

2006-12-13 07:35:03 UTC
Post by GreendistantNOSPAMstar
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
What a stupid fuckin' post....which celeb would you like to beat up? Sheesh!!!
Everyone knows the answer is Gary Coleman ;>)
Watchoo talkin' bout, GDS?

2006-12-13 08:36:44 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.

The list is endless as I find most Hollywood stars to be phony
self-absorbed assholes with an infinite need for attention. But, at
this time Rosie O'Fat would top the list. Bill (Bitch Boy) Maher would
also be near the top.
2006-12-13 10:27:42 UTC
I would beat all of them except mel & michael
2006-12-13 10:46:39 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
Fishstick. With a fishstick at a oh-so-proper British dinner party.
T'would make for some interesting conversation, yes?
Badger North
2006-12-13 17:35:39 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
I would take Tom Cruise and wield him like a club to beat Paris Hilton
into the ground.

Badger North
Rabid Weasel
2006-12-13 18:14:58 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
To be honest, I care so little about most modern celebs that I barely know
the names of all but the very most (in)famous of them.

Now, if you wanna talk *politicians*...

Peace favor your sword (IH),
2006-12-13 18:17:28 UTC
Post by Rabid Weasel
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
To be honest, I care so little about most modern celebs that I barely know
the names of all but the very most (in)famous of them.
Now, if you wanna talk *politicians*...
Peace favor your sword (IH),
What rubbish.

Cruise and Hilton are actually humble, nice people in real life.

The problem is, you midwestern and southern yokels take every media
characterization of every celebrity as gospel. It is time you all
grew up.

I'm the biggest neocon hater on the planet, but I will admit George W.
Bush is an affable guy in the flesh.
Rabid Weasel
2006-12-13 18:31:25 UTC
Post by slas
Post by Rabid Weasel
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
To be honest, I care so little about most modern celebs that I barely know
the names of all but the very most (in)famous of them.
Now, if you wanna talk *politicians*...
Peace favor your sword (IH),
What rubbish.
Cruise and Hilton are actually humble, nice people in real life.
You're replying to the wrong person.

Personally I'm fairly ambivalent about Cruise (yes, it seems he's a bit of
a freak, but so what?). As far as Paris Hilton goes, I really don't much
care about her either. I think that she's absolutely *brilliant* at
self-marketing; her "spoiled rich girl" schtick is *really* working for
her. Other than that, I just don't care.
Post by slas
The problem is, you midwestern and southern yokels take every media
characterization of every celebrity as gospel. It is time you all
grew up.
The problem with you is that, for some reason, you assume that I care
about these celebs. I don't. I'm constantly asking my wife, "who are
they talking about? What movie did (s)he play it?"
Post by slas
I'm the biggest neocon hater on the planet, but I will admit George W.
Bush is an affable guy in the flesh.
I don't care about his personality, I care about his politics.

Peace favor your sword (IH),
2006-12-13 18:43:55 UTC
Post by slas
What rubbish.
Cruise and Hilton are actually humble, nice people in real life.
The problem is, you midwestern and southern yokels take every media
characterization of every celebrity as gospel. It is time you all
grew up.
I'm the biggest neocon hater on the planet, but I will admit George W.
Bush is an affable guy in the flesh.
Bush is affable, Hilton is effable, and Cruise is merely a fable.
2006-12-13 19:23:58 UTC
Post by slas
Post by Rabid Weasel
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
To be honest, I care so little about most modern celebs that I barely know
the names of all but the very most (in)famous of them.
Now, if you wanna talk *politicians*...
Peace favor your sword (IH),
What rubbish.
Cruise and Hilton are actually humble, nice people in real life.
Even if this were so, who'd give a shit? They're annoying as hell.
Post by slas
The problem is, you midwestern and southern yokels take every media
characterization of every celebrity as gospel. It is time you all
grew up.
Oh please. So Cruise's disgusting behaviour towards Brooke Shields and
others suffering from depression was just "media characterization?" So
Hilton's drunken escapades, caught on film, were all faked?
Post by slas
I'm the biggest neocon hater on the planet, but I will admit George W.
Bush is an affable guy in the flesh.
Such is the banality of evil.
Rabid Weasel
2006-12-13 19:49:31 UTC
Post by Lefty
Oh please. So Cruise's disgusting behaviour towards Brooke Shields and
others suffering from depression was just "media characterization?"
Who cares? There's lots of brainless pontificating boobs. What makes his
brainless pontificating so special?
Post by Lefty
So Hilton's drunken escapades, caught on film, were all faked?
Who cares? _Girls Gone Wild_ makes zillions of dollars off of countless
chicks just like her and no one jumps up and down screaming bloody murder
(besides the parents of said girls, that is). What's so freaking special
about a _Paris Gone Wild_ escapade?

I mean, seriously. People worrying about, or even *following* celebrities
need to get a grip. They're not all that special.

Peace favor your sword (IH),
2006-12-13 21:12:00 UTC
I would like to beat up Tiny Tom. Then he could lie and say he wrecked
on his motorcycle while playing at being a movie star.
2006-12-13 19:18:50 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
Tom Cruise- smack him repeatedly with hardback copy of Dianetics.
Kid Rock- upside the head with a bottle of sour mash.
Bill O'Reilly- bamboo pole flogging (he luuurves kinky sex in the
Rush Limbaugh- take away his drugs, tie him up, then watch as he
detoxes, point at him and laugh.
Ann Coulter- wring her scrawny neck.
James Blunt- reach into his throat and pull out his vocal chords so he
can never sing again.
Bono- suffocate him with his cheesy, countryass hat.
Madonna- force-feed her food that is not macrobiotic.
K-Fed- boot in his lazy ass and set his trailer on fire.
Paris Hilton- 16 straight hours of solid bitch-slapping.
2006-12-13 23:07:46 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
I honestly don't care enough about any of them one way or the other.
Seriously - I really don't get the whole celebrity fascination thing.
I don't see why anyone should give a rats ass which of them are getting
married or divorced, or who is screwing who. I don't see why anyone
should give their opinions any more credence because they've been in a
movie, or they made a record, or because their parents are extremely
rich, or whatever. When celebrity shit comes on the news, I generally
change the channel unless the celebrity in question has nice tits that
are somehow involved in the report.
2006-12-14 06:54:07 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
I don't dislike her.But I wouldn't mind smacking Jessica Simpson around
a bit.
2006-12-17 07:26:15 UTC
Post by Garry
What famous actor/s or celebs you most disliked in 2006, would you most
like to beat up, be it either any martial art ones (if you reckon you
can) or any non-martial art ones and please say how you'd do it.
Donnie Osmond!!! I could not stand him way back when, and its gotten
worse in my old age. I hate that smile. And that voice!!!! I hate that